Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Can we trust a smart speaker

●Hello, and welcome to six-minute English, I'm Den ○And I'm Rod, so Den, what's, sorry, oh it's my wife. hang on ●You didn't answer ○Don't take this personally (不要太在意這個), Den. But I'm not exactly crazy about someone eavesdropping on…

【轉貼】【知識】Why Do We Forget Things?

tw.voicetube.com Organ - 器官 Fail - A failed B (A 辜負 B) Blank - 茫然的 Start (sth) off - (以某事做為)開場 look (a little /bit) off - 一瞥 Copper - 銅製品 Recall - 回想起 (remember) Lincoln Memorial - 林肯紀念堂 Aspect - 方面 /樣子 disti…

【轉貼】【電影預告】CAPTAIN MARVEL 驚奇隊長

tw.voicetube.com renegade - 脫離的、背棄的 occur - 發生、存在 invasion - 入侵 Truth be told ... - 老實說 hang it up - quit something / retire from a job or pursuit threat - 威脅


tw.englisher.info 1.Clean out 清空 He had cleaned out his room. 2.Spring cleaning 春季大掃除 3.Do the chores 做家事 I've got some chores to do. 4.Tide up 整理 (表簡單的收拾、弄整齊) It's time to tide up the living room. 5.Clean up 打掃房間…

【句型】Difference 相差多少?

dictionary.cambridge.org difference noun (AMOUNT) ​ B1 [ C or U ] the amount by which one thing is different from another 差額;差距 a(n) age/price/temperature difference年齡差距/價格差異/溫度不同 There's a big difference in age between th…


tw.blog.voicetube.com dress up 裝扮、打扮(約會呦~) zip up 拉拉鍊 button up 扣釦子 do up 跟拉拉鍊、扣扣子意思一樣 have on 穿 (也可以是戴帽子的戴) put on 穿上、戴上 throw on 快速穿上(趕時間用) try on 試穿 take off 脫下 kick off (特別是鞋子) …


www.youtube.com 1. Nostrils 鼻孔 "Ray has huge nostrils." 2. Dimple 酒窩 "My twin sister has cute dimple , while I have a lot of pimples(痘痘) " 3. Eyelids 眼皮 "Crown has a lot of layers of eyelids she can barely keep count(計數). " 4. Ph…


1. That's cool! 很好, 很棒! 2. Neat! 真是不簡單! ※Cool 和 Neat 也有新奇之意,常和 staff 連用「Check out those cool staff !」 3. Good for you / Good to hear. 真替你高興. 4. That's great! 真的是很棒! ※也可當反話用 5. Wonderful. 太棒了 6. Inc…

【英-短片#01-01】THIS IS WHY ONLY 1% SUCCEED | Try it and You'll See The Difference

tw.voicetube.com PART 1 1. Sometimes it's hard to get yourself to do the things that you need to do. 2. Why would you delay things that are important that will help you to reach your goals and wonder why that is? 3. you have this huge goal…