

1. Nostrils 鼻孔

"Ray has huge nostrils."

2. Dimple 酒窩

"My twin sister has cute dimple , while I have a lot of pimples(痘痘) "

3. Eyelids 眼皮

"Crown has a lot of layers of eyelids she can barely keep count(計數). "

4. Philtrum 人中

"Kyon recently put away her fake moustache ,Now we can finally see her philtrum. "

5. Mole 痣

"Sorry ,I didn't catch that. I was distracted by your huge mole."



1. Double eyelid 雙眼皮 / Single eyelid

"I had double eyelid surgery last weekend."

2. Mole 痣/ Wac(k)-A-Mole 打地鼠

" He has a curly mole hair on his chin."

3. Birth mark 胎記

" It that a birth mark on your arm?"

4. Earlobe 耳垂 / Pierced one's ear (get one's ear pierced)穿耳洞

" If you have a big and thick earlobe ,that means you have a lot of luck."

5. Dimple 酒窩

" You got a very cute dimple in your cheek."

" Her cheeks dimpled(有酒窩的) as she smiled."