Can we trust a smart speaker

●Hello, and welcome to six-minute English, I'm Den

○And I'm Rod, so Den, what's, sorry, oh it's my wife. hang on

●You didn't answer

○Don't take this personally (不要太在意這個), Den. But I'm not exactly crazy about someone eavesdropping on my phone call. If you eavesdropping on something. you secretly listen to someone's conversation. some things are private you know

●Oh, of course, I totally understand, one quick question for you though, do you have a smart speaker? You know? Like the Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, or Apple's Siri

○Oh sure, yes, I've got one! It's great, I can ask it all sorts of questions, it tells me about the news and weather. it plays music when I want, it does all sorts, You just give it a voice command and it does you want.

●so it can hear, can it

○Of course, How else can you give it a voice command? (不然你要怎麼給它語音指令)

●all the time?

○well I assume so, (我想是吧)

●so how do you know it's not eavesdropping on you?

○Well, I... oh... I see... I hadn't thought of that

●That's our topic for this 6 minute English, How safe is your smart speaker. However before that Here is a quiz question.
By what the percentage has the number of smart speakers used in US households(家庭) increased from December 2017 to December 2018
a) around 40% b) around 60% c) around 80%

○I know they're very popular even in my household, so I'm going to go for C, around 80%

●We'll find out if you're right later in the programme, so smart speakers and privacy! Florian Schaub is an assistant professor at the University Michigan School of Information. Here he is speaking on the BBC World Service Programme The Why Factor about smart speakers. What does he say people are introducing into their homes? (他說什麼正在被人們引進他們的家庭呢?)

▲You basically introducing... listening bug in your home, in your most intimate space, while the companies said they're only actively listening to what's going on in your home when they hear the keyword, the microphone is still on the whole time. in order to be able to detect that keyword. We don't know to what extent companies are cooperating with the government or to what extent the government might try to circumvent company security mechanisms in order to then be able to listen to what you are doing.

●So what did he say people are introducing Rod?

○He basically said we're introducing a listening bug, now a bug is the small electronic device used secretly listening conversations. Much like a spy with you. Yes, and he mentioned it was in our most intimate space. Intimate means 'private and personal'.

●well, I can't think of anywhere more intimate than my home.

○Indeed. He also said the small speaker's microphone is on the whole time - even though the companies insist that they're only actively listening when the keyword is said

【轉貼】【知識】Why Do We Forget Things?


Organ - 器官

Fail - A failed B (A 辜負 B)

Blank - 茫然的

Start (sth) off - (以某事做為)開場

look (a little /bit) off - 一瞥

Copper - 銅製品

Recall - 回想起 (remember)

Lincoln Memorial - 林肯紀念堂

Aspect - 方面 /樣子

distinguish - 區分(2種東西) ,使區分 from /between

essentially - 基本上

combine - 結合成

hippocampus - 海馬迴

neurons - 神經元

association - 關連性




1.Clean out 清空

He had cleaned out his room.


2.Spring cleaning 春季大掃除


3.Do the chores 做家事

I've got some chores to do.


4.Tide up 整理 (表簡單的收拾、弄整齊)

It's time to tide up the living room.


5.Clean up 打掃房間/大空間

Clean up the kitchen.


6.Clean away 清理某個混亂的地方

Clean away the broken pieces on the floor.


7.Clean off 清理平面

Clean of the table.


8.Dust off 去除灰塵

She was dusting off the sofa.


9.Sweep 打掃 ;Sweep the floor 掃地

She sweep the room every day.


10.Mop 拖 /拖把

He mopped the floor this morning.


11.Scrub 用地擦洗

The maid scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors.


12.Wipe 擦拭,通常後接off

Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.



[1] Duster 除塵器
[2] Brush 刷子
[3] Cloth 抹布
[4] Vacuum 吸塵器
[5] Broom 掃帚

【句型】Difference 相差多少?

difference noun (AMOUNT)

B1 [ C or U ] the amount by which one thing is different from another

a(n) age/price/temperature difference年齡差距/價格差異/溫度不同
There's a big difference in age between them.他們年齡相差很大。
There's a difference of eight years between them.他們之間差八歲。


dress up     裝扮、打扮(約會呦~)

zip up        拉拉鍊

button up      扣釦子

do up          跟拉拉鍊、扣扣子意思一樣

have on        穿 (也可以是戴帽子的戴)

put on         穿上、戴上

throw on      快速穿上(趕時間用)

try on        試穿

take off      脫下

kick off      (特別是鞋子) 把鞋子踢掉 (回到家腳太痛啦)

wear in      耗損 (買新鞋剛穿不舒服,多穿就可以舒服多啦!)

hang up      掛起來


1. Nostrils 鼻孔

"Ray has huge nostrils."

2. Dimple 酒窩

"My twin sister has cute dimple , while I have a lot of pimples(痘痘) "

3. Eyelids 眼皮

"Crown has a lot of layers of eyelids she can barely keep count(計數). "

4. Philtrum 人中

"Kyon recently put away her fake moustache ,Now we can finally see her philtrum. "

5. Mole 痣

"Sorry ,I didn't catch that. I was distracted by your huge mole."

1. Double eyelid 雙眼皮 / Single eyelid

"I had double eyelid surgery last weekend."

2. Mole 痣/ Wac(k)-A-Mole 打地鼠

" He has a curly mole hair on his chin."

3. Birth mark 胎記

" It that a birth mark on your arm?"

4. Earlobe 耳垂 / Pierced one's ear (get one's ear pierced)穿耳洞

" If you have a big and thick earlobe ,that means you have a lot of luck."

5. Dimple 酒窩

" You got a very cute dimple in your cheek."

" Her cheeks dimpled(有酒窩的) as she smiled."