Entries from 2019-02-08 to 1 day


tw.englisher.info 1.Clean out 清空 He had cleaned out his room. 2.Spring cleaning 春季大掃除 3.Do the chores 做家事 I've got some chores to do. 4.Tide up 整理 (表簡單的收拾、弄整齊) It's time to tide up the living room. 5.Clean up 打掃房間…

【句型】Difference 相差多少?

dictionary.cambridge.org difference noun (AMOUNT) ​ B1 [ C or U ] the amount by which one thing is different from another 差額;差距 a(n) age/price/temperature difference年齡差距/價格差異/溫度不同 There's a big difference in age between th…